School Advisory Council (SAC)

The School Advisory Council is comprised of parishioners, community members, and parents. The appointments are made after a discernment process by the Council members, the St. Joseph Parish pastor, and the principal, focusing on the specialized needs and issues addressed by the Council.


Planning - The Council assesses school needs and how they can be addressed by:

  • Setting goals

  • Developing a faith community

  • Assisting in the review of curriculum

  • Developing and tracking a long-range plan for the school

  • Coordinating activities with the PTO Board as needed through the year

Policy Making - The Council reviews and recommends the adoption of policies as appropriate to meet school needs by:

  • Identifying and/or writing policy

  • Reviewing and recommending updates for existing policies

Finances - The Council recommends the adoption of the school’s financial plan and monitors how it is working by:

  • Reviewing the annual budget

  • Reviewing the monthly financial statements and year-to-date report

  • Determining and recommending tuition rates and fees

  • Dialoguing with the pastor or St. Joseph Parish Finance Committee regarding the amount of parish subsidy for the school

Special Projects - The Council assumes responsibility for special activities such as:

  • Recruitment of students

  • Public relations

  • Support of staff morale

  • Annual assessment of the school facilities

  • Reporting at General Parent Meetings

  • Fundraising

Bookkeeper Report - The Council will receive a budget report from the St. Joseph Parish bookkeeper, including:

  • Overall budget

  • Profit and loss statements

Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the school's library.

The first 30 minutes are an open meeting. After the first 30 minutes, it will move to a closed meeting. 

Concerns and/or requests to add items to the School Advisory Council meeting agenda must be submitted to SAC by the 2nd Wednesday of the month (1 week before the next scheduled meeting). If not submitted in time, your agenda items may be discussed at the following month's meeting. 

Members: Kristel Kinder, Lisa Heising, Angela Miller, Marcus Muzatko, Jinesh Shah, Patrick Valdez, Juan Valencia, Erin Gneiting, Robert Thompson

Ex-Officio Members: Fr. Jose Herrera, Pastor; Deacon Bill Mich, Parish Administrator; Dr. Melissa Slater, Principal, Fr. Tian Melendez, Parochial Vicar; Leticia Aguilar, PTO President; Xiomara Rainey, Marketing Chair

Email SAC at

School Advisory Council Bylaws