901 W 4th Ave. Kennewick, WA 99336 (509) 586-0481 email info@sjske.org

5th Grade

Every day our 5th graders raise the flag.

5th Grade Teachers

Katie Keller

Para: Meta Boik

Annual Classroom Activities

• Present Stations of the Cross

• Attend the Nutcracker Ballet

• Attend the Farm Fair

• Build ecocolumns


In fifth grade, the emphasis is to be the bridge between elementary and middle school. Students strive to develop strong study skills and individual responsibility. They will also continue to strengthen academic skills and encourage personal growth reflecting “we are the Body of Christ.”

During the year, students will focus on the following:

  • Study of the sacraments, living as Christians and using the Bible

  • 4 digits by 3 digit multiplication, long division, fractions, decimals (Math in Focus)

  • Reading and Writing development (Wit and Wisdom curriculum) Parts of speech, mechanics of writing

  • Vocabulary development, exposure to different literature genres, application of reading strategies (cause effect, use of graphic organizers, etc.) cross curriculum

  • Ecosystems, life science, earth science, physical science (Smithsonian Institution Science Kit program)

  • U.S. history