St. Joseph Children’s Center
901 W 4th Ave. Kennewick, WA 99336 (509) 586-1428 email childcareinfo@sjske.org
“We believe our childcare is an extension of the home; it is crucial that parents are closely involved in our program.” – Children’s Center Staff
Our Children’s Center provides a safe and nurturing environment in which the child is able to develop cognitively, socially, physically, and emotionally, through a creative program of planned activities, within a day care setting. We educate children in the values of life, family and positive interpersonal relationships. We encourage children to internalize the values of self-discipline, mutual respect, personal morality, and social justice.
Toddler Program
• Available to children 1-2 ½ years and not potty trained
• Average class ratio of 1 staff member to 7 children
• Assist in the development of self-help skills
• Indoor play and supervised natural play outdoor area
• 2 snacks per day
Preschool Room
• Available to children enrolled in Montessori Preschool, ages 2 ½ - 5 years and potty trained
• Positive social interaction aiding in social and personal development
• Planned activities to stimulate and develop creative potentials
• Nutritious snack
Kinders/B.A.S.I.C. Room (Before and After School Instructional Care)
• Available to children enrolled at St. Joseph’s Catholic School, Kindergarten – 12 years
• Assist children to find creative energy outlets before and after school
• Provide enrichment opportunities to develop children’s interests
• Homework support
• Nutritious snack
Summer Program
• The summer program begins on the 1st day of summer break
• Science projects and amazing arts & crafts
• Mid-Columbia summer reading program
Call (509) 586-1428 to find out more about our Children’s Center.
The Children’s Centers hours of operation are from 6 am to 6 pm Monday through Friday.
The facility is closed on the following days:
• New Year's Eve - Noon closure (if a weekday)
• New Year’s Day (if it lands on a weekend, closed on day before or after)
• Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
• President’s Day
Good Friday- Noon Closure
Easter Monday
• Memorial Day
• Fourth of July
• Labor Day
• Veterans Day
• Day Before Thanksgiving - Noon closure
• Thanksgiving Day
• Day after Thanksgiving
• Christmas Eve - Noon closure (if a weekday)
• Christmas Day (if it lands on a weekend, closed on day before or after)
Snow Days!
St. Joseph’s Children’s Center follow the closures and delayed starts of St. Joseph’s Catholic School. In the event of a 2 hour delay, the Children’s Center will open 2 hours later at 8 am. When school has been canceled, the Children’s Center will close as well.
Questions? Please contact our Children’s Center at 509-586-1428