Support St. Joseph Catholic School
Fundraising lowers the cost of education to our families while giving us great opportunities for building community.
Fun Run
Can you catch Fun and Run in their antics as they get ready for the Big Fun Run on October, 6th?
Get your running shoes on and limber up for a great time and one of the most important fund raisers for the school. Our goal is to raise $40,000.00 to help keep tuition down and to provide our classrooms with funds for classroom technology. This year our Fun Run will be at the school and will even be live broadcast on Facebook as each class takes their laps. Let your friends and family know, this is the place to be!!!
Art and Wine
Join us for the Annual Art & Wine Event, Saturday, February 08, 2025.
TICKETS WILL GO ON SALE December 1, 2024!
Service Hours
Why do we have service hours requirements? - Every child’s education costs $6,000 at St. Joe’s. That means St. Joe’s needs $12,000 to serve a family with 2 children enrolled in the school. Very few of our families have that kind of money so we work together to help provide this quality education for a price that is affordable.
While enrolling a child at St. Joseph Catholic School, a parent agrees to give 30 hours of service to the school and pay all tuition fees. Parents, who do not wish to give Service Hours to the school, agree to pay at the rate of $35.00 per hour for hours not fulfilled.
• 30 Hours or $1050.00 per family for students in Grades Kindergarten thru 8th
• 15 Hours or $525.00 per family for students in Preschool
At least 50% of your hours are to be committed to a capital project i.e. Art and Wine, Fun Run, Scrip, Yard Sale, or other approved fundraising for major school projects.
This program is designed to provide our children with the best possible benefits, and to help our school run smoothly by getting everyone involved in the effort to build community. Parents are required to work the stated hours. All exceptions need to be presented to the Principal before the event. A substitute needs to be a member of the family, 21 years of age or older.
Each family is responsible for keeping their own records current in the main office for the service hours. Service hours may be recorded by signing your name, activity and hours of service in the service hour’s book located in the office.
Record keeping begins after the last day of the current school year and ends on the last day of the next school year. Any hours turned in after the last day of school will count towards the next school year.
Some positions and activities may guarantee an automatic 30 hours: Fundraising Event Chairpersons, PTO Members, and School Advisory Council. Service hours will not be given for donated materials.