901 W 4th Ave. Kennewick, WA 99336 (509) 586-0481 email info@sjske.org
8th Grade
8th Grade Homeroom Teacher
Catherine Valiant
During the year, students will focus on the following:
Pre-algebra, Honor’s Algebra 1 or Honor’s Geometry based on students’ individual level.
Properties of Matter, Interactions of Waves, Sound and Light, Optics, Electricity and Magnetism, Form and Function of Human Anatomy, including Health, Nutrition and Human Reproduction integrated with "Theology of the Body" curriculum in Religion.
Students learn writing skills through both short- and long-term projects. Writing, editing, and proof reading are all skills developed in English, preparing our students for writing in high school.
Literature novel units studied are: Fahrenheit 451, The Giver, and To Kill a Mockingbird with individual and group projects playing an integral role in developing thinking individuals: Great Thinker Research Project with Power Point presentation, and Social Issues research and presentation. Covers the elements of story: plot and setting, character, theme and conflict, narrator and voice. Vocabulary lessons build students’ individual word skills as well as their understanding of nuances of meaning, idioms, and other types of figurative language.
U.S. History: American Revolution and Civil War Reconstruction, Constitution and Amendments, and Branches of Government.
History of the Catholic Church and the Saints.
Our students learn more about God’s creation through science.
Annual Classroom Events
• Kindergarten Buddies
• Rock-a-thon
• Grandparent’s Luncheon
• 8th Grade Retreat
• Graduation with Silverwood Field Trip